Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years. According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture unblocks energy- Qi (pronounced Chee), and increases blood flow through channels known as meridians, to create a balance in the body. According to Western Doctors, the needles stimulate the nervous system to release chemicals that help alleviate pain and promote healing. Where fertility is concerned, acupuncture may improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, stimulate hormones, regulate ovulation and decrease stress and therefore increase the chances of falling pregnant whilst reducing the risk of miscarriage.
Acupuncture is also useful in male fertility, increasing sperm motility, count and quality, reducing structural abnormalities. It can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments and herbal remedies.
Studies of IVF suggests that acupuncture performed on the day of the embryo transfer to the uterus may increase the live birth rate.
Acupuncture is thought to be particularly useful in functional infertility rather than structural. An example of structural infertility may be damage to the fallopian tubes. Studies suggest that acupuncture increases the rate of pregnancy in women undergoing In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF).
Acupuncture is also useful in male fertility, increasing sperm motility, count and quality, reducing structural abnormalities. It can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments and herbal remedies.
Studies of IVF suggests that acupuncture performed on the day of the embryo transfer to the uterus may increase the live birth rate.
Acupuncture is thought to be particularly useful in functional infertility rather than structural. An example of structural infertility may be damage to the fallopian tubes. Studies suggest that acupuncture increases the rate of pregnancy in women undergoing In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF).
Chinese Herbal Medicine, like with acupuncture, has been used for thousands of years and is aimed at restoring balance within the body. When Yin and Yang are imbalanced, disease manifests within the body. With regards to fertility, Chinese herbal medicine promotes blood flow to the ovaries, improving egg quality and also acts on the uterine lining which may assist with embryo implantation. Your acupuncturist may use Chinese herbs in conjunction with acupuncture to optimise fertility .
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This is an information website only, based on my experiences and information I have obtained through my own readings, discussions and related to topics of interest to me. For further information, I suggest you do your own research. There are differing opinions on some topics so some websites may give conflicting information and currency of information may change over time. For medical advice, I suggest you contact your healthcare provider.
This is an information website only, based on my experiences and information I have obtained through my own readings, discussions and related to topics of interest to me. For further information, I suggest you do your own research. There are differing opinions on some topics so some websites may give conflicting information and currency of information may change over time. For medical advice, I suggest you contact your healthcare provider.